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Everything posted by jdubs

  1. Hey all, looking for a mini-itx mb that will work with my Xeon E3-1245V5 LGA1151 CPU. Something that plays nice with unraid and has 4+ sata ports. Shoot me a note if you've got something you're interested in parting with! Thanks Jim
  2. I got in a replacement harddrive and no go....didn't boot (red light HP logo). Ok, guess I'm on to a new server solution. -Jim
  3. Hey guys, I'd love an off-the-shelf Xeon solution like a Dell T30.....but people complain about the airflow of that thing. Any good alternatives? Thanks! Jim
  4. Hey guys, my HP microserver died, so I'm looking for another solution. Looking for something on the small side. If you're considering selling your mini-ITX rig, please shoot me a note. Thanks, Jim
  5. Hey guys, my N40L has been going strong for a number of years but just died. I think its the PS (amber light plus red HP logo are lit up). So, the question is, should I try to replace the PS or just get a new machine? If new machine, what would be a good small form factor replacement? Maybe a HP gen8....bc I can upgrade its CPU to a XEON. But, truth be told, I don't need much power. No need for transcoding...just streaming and maybe a Docker app or two. Any opinions greatly appreciated! -Jim
  6. yep, it looks like you havent configured it, make sure you click on the "advanced view" option (top right) so that you can then set all the env variables, for instance vpn username and password are not set right now which wont get you far :-) Thanks. The username and pw were in there, I just dropped in random text to anonymize it. Also, I have "" for the WebUI and I dropped in one of PIA's servers in Key 4. No dice loading the webgui with the above. Any recommendations? Thanks! Jim
  7. Hey binhex So, I'm switching to your rtorrentvpn container (from DelugeVPN - which is awesome, btw, just looking to try rtorrent) but can't get the webgui to load. Attached is my supervisor log file. Spot anything wrong with it? Thanks!! Jim supervisord.txt
  8. Got it. Just doing a regular file "move" between disks within MC should be ok, then? -Jim
  9. Thanks guys!! So, I'll do disk to disk copying after changing the included disks for the share to only be 3 and 4. BUT, how will the array "know" that they are in the share? Just because they are on the disk? -Jim
  10. Hey Guys What's the right way to do this? I want to isolate my ripped movies, currently spread across all 4 data disks of my array to just disks 3 and 4. Thanks for any tips! -Jim
  11. Thanks....but exact same problem. Can you tell me how you installed yours? I used the sparkyballs/sickrage Repository most recently. Bridge, Privileged, Bind Time all selected. Environmental Variables: EDGE set to 1. Regular Sickbeard runs fine. jdubs
  12. Guys, I installed SickRage but keep getting this error when trying to "Find a show on the TVDB or TVRAGE": "search timed out, try again or try another indexer" This is with installing the "my-sickrage" and selecting nicktdot/sickrage, ninthwalker/brentrage or sparklyballs/sickrage. Same thing with all of them. Any ideas? Thanks guys. jdubs
  13. jdubs


    Awesome, thank you for this Squid. I do have some more questions, though. How do I force the appdata share to only use the cache drive? seems like it also requires at least one data disk be selected? How do I direct finished / processed downloads to move to my array? Also, NZBGet is having trouble creating sub-directories within "/downloads"....the log shows that it cannot create the sub-directories. -Jim
  14. jdubs


    Guys I don't fully understand the way paths work in the context of the Docker and apps. I want all the apps and their associated data to be stored on my cache drive which is where the docker.img file sits. What do I change the "Host path" to? The default looks like it puts stuff on the array? I still need to access drives on the array, too. Thanks guys. Jim
  15. The exact process I thought I would have need to go through, BUT...no drop down for the "file system type". Here's a screen shot: -Jim
  16. Hey Guys I pulled an SSD from my main computer for use in my unRAID rig as a cache drive specifically for running apps in the Docker. It is formatted with the NTFS file system and I wasn't given an option to format it when I added it to the unRAID array as my cache drive. Any idea what I can do to change it to reiserfs (I guess?)...which is what my other array drives are formatting for. Thanks!!! Jim
  17. Thanks PhAzE but how is this doable with, for example, Sickbeard? Sorry for the newb questions. -Jim
  18. Appreciate the help, guys. Got things up and running. Next question, how do I get the settings for each to survive an unraid reboot? I.e., I'm having to set things up from scratch when I reboot the unraid server - what can I do to avoid this? Thanks again, Jim
  19. Hey guys, total newb question, but how does one "start" a plug-in? I'm running Unraid 6 beta 12 and installed a few of plugins via "Install Plugins". When I got to Settings I see them when I scroll down under "PhAzE Plugins" but when I click on one to configure it, I'm taken to a blank page. Any ideas? Thanks, Jim
  20. Sorry, the password for using an FTP program. When I use FlashFXP and login with a blank password, I get the following dialog: "Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21 Connected to 220 (vsFTPd 2.2.2) USER admin 331 Please specify the password. PASS (hidden) 530 Login incorrect." -Jim
  21. Thanks. You can specify the ftp user, but what's the password? -Jim
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