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Everything posted by Cornflake

  1. Really Thank you for that fast Reply @Cyd , im gonna try this now. and no i dont need clusters dont have that much Players but i guess the symlinc is gone if i change the docker or update ? maybe mount the existing steamcmd link (like @ich777 mentioned) from /serverdata/steamcmd to /serverdata/Steam/steamapps should be enough? so that the Symlinc dont break after update ?
  2. Hey, Im having the same issue, started a Ark server last week and there's a bunch of Mods on it. Sadly, as you already know, your Client updates the Mods automatically and the Server does not, i always have to do the same Copy&Paste for every new Update. otherwise no one can connect. Its really a Pain in the A**. Especially if i am at Work, it would be super nice to only restart the Container to Update the Mods. Im not into that all coding. Could you tell me/us how exactly you geht this auto Download&Update Workshop mods to work? and @ich777 isn't it possible to direktly build the Code into the Container that you only need to put the id's into the Unraid Docker Template ? like if you would change the GamePort ? Because obviously almost everyone is using Mods on their Server Greets Joey
  3. Thanks i will try this now. yes the reboot should stay, in addition the save-all command should run.
  4. So this script let me to a restart every day, is it possible to add muilitple times per day ? or the best way to say, i added another command "save-all" It works, but i want the server to execute this command all 30 mins. (its a command to save the world from Ram -> Disk) thanks for your help -Joey
  5. Okay, I'm sorry. Thanks for that fast reply. I dont know how to edit the startscript, that reboot on midnight sounds good, how to do it?
  6. Startet denn dein minecraft basic server Container bei nem crash auch immer den server automatisch neu? oder führt den save-all befehl in intervallen aus? ich möchte nämlich gerne zu dem container wechseln da ich zurzeit (seit einiger zeit) MineOs-Node benutze und es sehr instabil läuft und die Server dauernt crashen (speziell server die auf 1.12.2 laufen.)
  7. Hey what have been changed in this container update? since that i cannot start more than one GMod Server ?! greets
  8. one more Suggestion, for the steam debug mode to work (for troubleshoot) the container needs a package that is named GDB (not sure, but i think it was named like this), otherwise you cant get it to work and wont get a full log/debug file
  9. NICE i really enjoy your work, just started a few weeks ago running unraid. got so much dockers installed that are made by you. Nice, i'm would love to try Dayz. but after all this Christmas thing . another thing, i dont know if you play gmod on your own but for some gamemods you need cstrike,hl2 and/or tf2 files.is there a way to add them to the docker to just download the files and mount them? **edit atm i added the CS:S server files and mounted it to the gmod docker
  10. Could you add a -Space Engineers image? i would really appreciate it and if you running out of ideas, some server files that would be great too (that i am still using) -Seven Coop -Grav -Dayz -Empyrion -Miscreated have a great day
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