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New drive gone - not initialized


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I bought a new harddrive today (WD 4TB) and plugged it in to my NAS. Upon starting the server, everything appeared to be fine and it showed up under unassigned devices. 

I stopped the array and first assigned it as a parity device and then started array. Here´s where my mistake comes. I realized that I did not want to run it as a parity device (I have a larger HDD on the way for this) and stopped the array (before checking) and unassigned it. After this it just dissapeared and I coudln´t add it as a normal device in the array. 

I tried to reboot the server hoping it would appear but no luck. 


I plugged in the drive to my Windows PC and there it shows up as "uninitalized drive". When trying to Initialize it I get I/O Error which I cannot resovle.


Can anyone help me? 
Attaching my log. 






Edited by Fantomen
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