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[SOLVED] slow network transfers

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good morning,

I have been trying to get my unraid server set up for the past few weeks. I have everything running what appears to be correctly, when I try to transfer media from my main windows machine to my unraid I am only getting 6 mb/s transfer. I have 10 gig ASUS cards in both machines that when running iperf show 6.84 gb/s transfer. when i switch to another windows machine on my network with standard gig connection it shows transfer of 46 mb/s. these are the steps i have done so far to try and track down my problem. I have switched out all my sata cables in the unraid box. changed all cables on network to cat 6, using cat 8 cables to connect to my 10 gig add on cards, precleared all disks before adding to array, parity is valid, running all necessary plugins, even though it may have been a bad sata controller on the motherboard and returned it for a different one. attached is my diognostic report and some photos showing iperf results any advice would be greatly appreciated.

unraid specs.PNG

iperf results.PNG

main windows specs.PNG


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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] slow network transfers

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