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network location can't be included because its not indexed

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There are ways such as you described, but know way to actually add it as a library with out indexing it, and that would require you to bring a copy over to  your local hard drive defeating the purpose of the server in the first place. For the life of me I can't remember what I did, but that was over a year ago.

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Another but more complicated to get around it is using NTFS SYMLINKS in Windows 7 and by having at least 1 level of directories between the symlink target and the files you want included in the Win7 Library.


The "C:\Mount\" is a normal directory where I created the symlinks at.

Symlinks on NTFS only have to be created once. They are persistent. I created them once from an administrator level command prompt with "mklink". [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS_symbolic_link ]


mkdir c:\Mount
cd c:\Mount
mklink /D EBooks \\Tower\EBooks
mklink /D Movies \\Tower\Movies


From a Windows 7 file explorer, if I navigate to "C:\Mount\<SYMLINK>\" and then select in the right hand panel of file explorer the "<SubDirectory>" I am able to right-click and select "Include in Library" and have it function.


"C:\Mount\EBooks" target is the unRAID share "\\Tower\EBooks".

For my Win7 "Books" library I have "Technical" added from "C:\Mount\EBooks".

The structure on the unRAID side is "\\Tower\EBooks\Technical\[book name]".

I navigate in file explorer to "C:\Mount\EBooks", in the right hand panel select "Technical", right click and select "Include in Library", then select my already created library "Books".


"C:\Mount\Movies" target is the unRAID share "\\Tower\Movies".

For my Win7 "Videos" library I have "Movies" added from "C:\Mount\Movies".

The structure on the unRAID side is "\\Tower\Movies\Movies\[480p|720p|1080p]\[MovieName]".

I navigate in file explorer to "C:\Mount\Movies", in the right hand panel select "Movies", right click and select "Include in Library", then select my already created library "Videos".



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