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spin down not working since rc1


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Guys ever since i updated to rc1 my disk are not spinning down, if i spin them down myself then it works and they stay down until i try to access any data off of those drives, so looks spin down and spin up is working its just spin down isn't working on its own. at first i thought maybe it is some bug with rc1 and it will get fixed after an update cause it was working great before but even after updating to rc2 them haven't spin down not even once own their own.

So if anyone knows why this could be happening or how maybe how can i fix this then please help.


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8 minutes ago, Max said:

Guys ever since i updated to rc1 my disk are not spinning down, if i spin them down myself then it works and they stay down until i try to access any data off of those drives, so looks spin down and spin up is working its just spin down isn't working on its own. at first i thought maybe it is some bug with rc1 and it will get fixed after an update cause it was working great before but even after updating to rc2 them haven't spin down not even once own their own.

So if anyone knows why this could be happening or how maybe how can i fix this then please help.

unraid-diagnostics-20210125-1402.zip 101.7 kB · 0 downloads

Hi Max, just quickly reviewing your shares and while not all require using cache drive you do have system only on prefer.
Providing your running Docker this would cause unintended spin up.

What do you think?

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19 minutes ago, ados said:

Hi Max, just quickly reviewing your shares and while not all require using cache drive you do have system only on prefer.

ohh i didn't even knew it was set to that but the only time i could remember when i fideled with those settings was probably when i first added cache drive which was way back so i think that couldn't hav affected but i dont know for sure. so i will change it and see if it makes any difference.

24 minutes ago, ados said:

Providing your running Docker this would cause unintended spin up.

yeah they could but the only dockers that could cause that are qbittorrent and plex. so in my cause they aren't a problem as qbit is set cache only share and i can make sure no one is using plex and even if i shut down all my dockers, my disks still dont spin down on their own.

Plus i have a disk under unassigned drives which don't use for anything even that disk doesn't spin down.

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16 minutes ago, Max said:

ohh i didn't even knew it was set to that but the only time i could remember when i fideled with those settings was probably when i first added cache drive which was way back so i think that couldn't hav affected but i dont know for sure. so i will change it and see if it makes any difference.

yeah they could but the only dockers that could cause that are qbittorrent and plex. so in my cause they aren't a problem as qbit is set cache only share and i can make sure no one is using plex and even if i shut down all my dockers, my disks still dont spin down on their own.

Plus i have a disk under unassigned drives which don't use for anything even that disk doesn't spin down.

Silly question but you haven't set individual drive spin down have you?

Are they all using default and what is that set to?

FYI Plex if set to file system monitoring will constantly scan and monitor folders for new content

Edited by ados
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3 minutes ago, ados said:

Silly question but you haven't set individual drive spin down have you?

Are they all using default and what is that set to?

FYI Plex if set to file system monitoring will constantly scan and monitor folders for new content

spin down delay is set to 15 minutes earlier when it was working, which was before rc1 it was set 1 hour but when i updated to rc1 and noticed spin down isn't working anymore i tried it with 15 minutes and turned all dockers down to make sure its not one of docker which is actually causing this. which u know obviously didn't help cause if it did i wont be here😅. so yeah now all my disks are set 15 minutes.

10 minutes ago, ados said:

FYI Plex if set to file system monitoring will constantly scan and monitor folders for new content

yeah i know and i have set it scan library only when a change is detected, so in way we can say that is constantly keeps looking for a change but i dont know how this works, exactly. But im 100% sure this is not the problem cause then my disks wouldn't spin down before i moved to rc1 too, plus ever since i posted OG post my disk are all spun down (which i did myself using web gui) and plex (no one is actually watching anything) is still running actually all my dockers are running.

And i already told u that turning all dockers down doesn't help.

35 minutes ago, Max said:

Plus i have a disk under unassigned drives which don't use for anything even that disk doesn't spin down.

and thiss too.

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