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[SOLVED] zero bytes smb-shares.conf


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something is very fishy on my server.  After replacing a defect HDD with a spare one, I rebooted. After the reboot, all shares were gone. I found that the /etc/samba/smb-shares.conf has become a zero bytes file. And the backup file in the same directory is gone.


- When trying to enter the share information in the GUI, nothing happens. The list of share stays empty.


- I tried to enter one share manually in the file from the command line using vi, and it works. I can see the share content now again in the Windows file explorer. However, this manually created share does not show up in the Unraid GUI, both in the Shares and the User section. And after some time the new smb-shares.conf will become zero bytes again.



Any idea how I can reset the SMB and the Users configuration?


Diagnostics file attached.


Thanks for your support!




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Thanks for the advise. Unfortunately, it didn't change anything.


There are weird effects like when I am adding a new share called "C", I get an error message, that "Share C has been deleted" without any changes at all.


Any idea what to do? Is there a good guide somewhere, how to reset Unraid, without losing all the data in the shares (/mnt/user)?



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I reinstalled Unraid on my USB stick and copied my license on there.  Booting up, I reassigned all drives in the right order. Started the array up and... it's still exactly the same. Although all content / directories is still visible under /mnt/user, nothing shows up in the share GUI.


Even worse, when I add a share "AAAA", it will show up under /mnt/user but not in the Shares menu.


As said, the USB stick was completely empty and I installed a new Unraid from scratch. Yet the problem persists.


Is there a problem on the filesystem under /mnt/user maybe?




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When you say the “Shares Menu” do you mean the Shares tab in the GUI or something else?


/mnt/user is just a combined view of all the top level golfers on all the disks.    It might be worth running a file system chevk on each of your drives in case some corruption has occurred and is upsetting things.

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9 hours ago, itimpi said:

When you say the “Shares Menu” do you mean the Shares tab in the GUI or something else?


/mnt/user is just a combined view of all the top level golfers on all the disks.    It might be worth running a file system chevk on each of your drives in case some corruption has occurred and is upsetting things.

Yes, I mean the Shares tab in the GUI which is out of sync.


The directories that are created under /mnt/user when adding a Share via the GUI will show up in the shell (ls), but not in the network (trying to access it from another PC).


I'll give a file system check a try and will report back.

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Okay, provlem solved. For whatever reason my Cache SSD drive showed an error message like "unsupported partition layout". This apparently lead to the symptoms mentioned earlier.


After deleting all partitions manually using Windows 10 from the SSD, then re-inserting and formating it, everything was working again. Of course, the VMs and configs on the Cache drive were lost, but that wasn't dramatic.


Thanks for your support!

Edited by Raki72
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  • Raki72 changed the title to [SOLVED] zero bytes smb-shares.conf

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