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Transfering files to an Unassigned devices SMB share without cache?

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I have setup a "rootshare" on my Unraid server through SMB settings as indicated here (


Ok thats all working great.  Except I was on my windows machine and went to transfer 600GB of data from my windows folder to \\unraid\mnt\disks\NVME\downloads (NVME being the name of my unassigned disk).  I then got a message in windows saying "Not enough space available, you need xxxGB more space"  But theres plenty of space on that unassigned drive.  Its got 900GB free.  So my only conclusion is that its doing the transfer using my cache drive (Which does not have 600gb free).  If I head on over to krusader and try to make the transfer right on the unraid server, it all works fine, so there definitely is space on that unassigned drive)

How do I make it so sending files over to \mnt\disks\NVME does NOT use the cache drive?

Here is the current line I have for the rootshare in SMB settings.

path = //
comment =
browseable = yes
valid users = myuser
write list = myuser
vfs objects =

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A transfer to an Unassigned Device does not go via the cache so that is not your problem.


I am a bit confused by the path you are giving for the Windows machine.   I would expect it to be something like \\unraid\NVME\downloads assuming NVME is the name that you have specified in UD for the share name to be used for the NVME drive, and you want to be copying to a 'downloads' folder on that drive.


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