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new empty disk added to the array, formatted but not empty?

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Hi is Just added a 4tb hdd to my array.  I ran the preclear plugin, then I added it and hit format.  The drive added successfully but for some reason it says I've used 27.9gb when the drive should be empty.  I click the drive and it shows it is empty, so what is taking up the nearly 30gb of space?




Edited by 007craft
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Think of a clear disk as an empty room. You could just throw your papers (files) into the room in a pile on the floor, but that wouldn't be very useful, as you couldn't retrieve things easily. Think of formatting as empty filing cabinets, with labels and everything needed to organize your papers in a quickly sortable and retrievable fashion.


The room is no longer empty, it has all the structures in place needed to hold your files, even though you haven't added any yet.


That occupied space on the drive is the file system.

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4 minutes ago, 007craft said:

 but why so big?  I was thinking 1 or 2 gb tops.  28 gb seems like a lot.

They are very fancy filing cabinets :)   


You need to ask the maintainers of the Linux file system drivers that question :(    The most recent version of XFS seems to use much more space than earlier releases because of new underlying functionality that has been added (although I do not think unRaid exploits it yet).

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