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[SOLVED] Multiple disk errors & shares issues


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First of all, thanks for taking the time to taker a look into this situation i'm having.

I've had this UNRAID server running for rougly one year with several on and off issues, i just updated to the unraid 6.9.0 rc2 but the problems have been persisting for some time now. i'm currently having is my unassigned devices not being able to mount, from what i can tell, 2 (1EGDL8EN/WCC7K1LTTRFL) of my hard drives have failed and my unassigned SSD (SanDisk SDSSDP064G) is running ok but still not letting me mount,


my VM also looks like it fails to run due to not being able to find the drives. previous hardware changes included a failed parity drive (WD40EZRZ-75GXCB-1EGDL8EN) and the current one has replaced it since, i'm wondering if this drive has actually failed or if the drives are related to my SATA controller. previous SATA controller was a Rivo PCIe SATA Card (Marvell) and replaced it due to finding out that they don't work well with my system and have been using a CSL PCI-Express PCIe 2.0 Controller for rougly 2 months. Quite frankly this whole Unraid experience has been a interesting experience for me and now well out of my comfort zone as to knowing what to do or how to fix my current problems or fixes that can be made.


arthur-diagnostics-20210213-2130.zip arthur-smart-20210213-2131.zip arthur-smart-20210213-2132.zip

Edited by halt95
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11 hours ago, halt95 said:

SanDisk SDSSDP064G) of my hard drives have failed and my unassigned SSD (SanDisk SDSSDP064G) is running ok

Which is it or did you have two identical devices?


Log shows 3 UD devices:

Feb 13 21:24:27 Arthur unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'SanDisk_SDSSDP064G_140239400381', mountpoint 'SanDisk_SDSSDP064G_140239400381' is set as pass through
Feb 13 21:24:27 Arthur unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'WDC_WD40EZRZ-75GXCB0_WD-WCC7K1LTTRFL', mountpoint 'RECS' is set as pass through.
Feb 13 21:24:27 Arthur unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'WDC_WD80EZAZ-11TDBA0_1EGDL8EN', mountpoint 'WDC_WD80EZAZ-11TDBA0_1EGDL8EN' is not set to auto mount.


Two are set as pass through so they can't be mounted by UD, the other one is set to not automount and I don't see any manual mount attempts.

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1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

Which is it or did you have two identical devices?


Log shows 3 UD devices:

Feb 13 21:24:27 Arthur unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'SanDisk_SDSSDP064G_140239400381', mountpoint 'SanDisk_SDSSDP064G_140239400381' is set as pass through
Feb 13 21:24:27 Arthur unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'WDC_WD40EZRZ-75GXCB0_WD-WCC7K1LTTRFL', mountpoint 'RECS' is set as pass through.
Feb 13 21:24:27 Arthur unassigned.devices: Disk with serial 'WDC_WD80EZAZ-11TDBA0_1EGDL8EN', mountpoint 'WDC_WD80EZAZ-11TDBA0_1EGDL8EN' is not set to auto mount.


Two are set as pass through so they can't be mounted by UD, the other one is set to not automount and I don't see any manual mount attempts.

Sorry i got the wording incorrect:


1EGDL8EN is a possible failed parity 1 drive that’s no longer part of the array.


SanDisk SDSSDP064G is my 1st drive to my VM and should be running ok as an unassigned device.


WCC7K1LTTRFL Is the 2nd drive to my VM.


The reason i left the failed 1EGDL8EN in the system was me thinking my SATA controllers need replacing as i had a string of problems with my array last year with the Marvell controller. 

Edited by halt95
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  • JorgeB changed the title to [SOLVED] Multiple disk errors & shares issues

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