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Invisible files?

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Hello, I'm having this issue where some files I download through my rutorrent docker (concert bootlegs in this case) don't fully appear in Windows File Explorer. When I go into the terminal and check, the files are all there. I have tried different permissions for the files to no avail. I can still access the files from Rutorrent itself or Filezilla but not through SMB. Any idea what could be causing this behavior?

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19 minutes ago, Squid said:

2 Possibilities OTOH


  1. Turn on in Settings - SMB Settings - Show dot files
  2. You have 2 identical shares only differing in "case"  ie: Movies and movies  SMB will get confused and only show you the contents of one of them.


Hey Squid, thanks for the quick response! As for possibility 1 while I do have the hide dot files set to YES, I do have "show hidden files" in Windows set to on. As for possibility 2 all of my current shares have unique names so I don't thinks that's it. To clarify, this issue is happening under many layers of subfolders of the share not on the root of the share.

Edited by itzfantasy
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Option 1) applies as to whether such files are even viewable in the first place across the network and is independent of what you have set at the Windows level.


You say that you have tried different permissions (and presumably ownership) but does this mean that you have run Tools -> New Permissions against the share in question?   

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#2 applies also to subfolders.


If you have 2 identically named subfolders only differing in case, then only one will display (Windows thinks of Movies/DVD Movies and Movies/dvd movies as being identical, but linux does not, and SMB tries to make the best of it)  You'd have to explore the share via the Shares tab to confirm this.

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12 hours ago, itimpi said:

Option 1) applies as to whether such files are even viewable in the first place across the network and is independent of what you have set at the Windows level.


You say that you have tried different permissions (and presumably ownership) but does this mean that you have run Tools -> New Permissions against the share in question?   

I had done manual chmod commands on the problematic folders but I did run the New Permissions on your suggestion. Unfortunately the files still wont show through SMB.


12 hours ago, Squid said:

#2 applies also to subfolders.


If you have 2 identically named subfolders only differing in case, then only one will display (Windows thinks of Movies/DVD Movies and Movies/dvd movies as being identical, but linux does not, and SMB tries to make the best of it)  You'd have to explore the share via the Shares tab to confirm this.

I checked again. No similar or identical folders or sub-folders. The files do show in the share exploration option through the webui.

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