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Unraid responsiveness and performance issues


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Hi folks - first off, apologies for my first post being that of seeking help.


Secondly, Unraid newb, but not to hardware/networking/software.  My ego smarts little from even having to ask for help :)


Regardless, brand new hardware build to replace a failed/failing media server on the competition.  Still on trial Unraid until I can make sure everything is going to work okay.  I see this platform as a good way of rolling my media server and my development server into one.  I've initially sized (per the diagnostics attached) the machine with a 3700x/64GB RAM and a handful of mismatched HDs/SSDs.


The challenge is that I'm seeing a 2-8 second lag in navigating Unraid menus (that wasn't there at install time).  I'm seeing large transfers between both USB-based drives and between SATA drives more or less maxing at 82M bytes/sec.  My docker images are equally slow.  The only really "unique" setup here is that I'm running most of my docker images through another docker image (VPN), but I'm fairly confident that's setup correctly.  I currently have parity turned off to maximize the transfer of data, and a 1TB SSD as cache.


For the life of me, looking through the logs I don't see anything that stands out.  At one point I had a failed 8TB drive that has been removed.  A few hours ago when looking at the logs I realized the timezone was set incorrectly, so I adjusted that.  I'm at a loss, and would be ever so grateful if someone may have a go at these logs to see if I'm missing something obvious.



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I didn't ask if parity disk was USB. I asked if any of the drives in the parity array are USB disks.


Also, parity is not disabled it is invalid because you haven't finished building parity. Of course, parity build is going to impact performance since all data disks in the parity array are being read in order to calculate and write parity.

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