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I/O Errors when Uploading large files via NFS, UnRAID 6.8.3

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I searched for the answer for a couple of hours without success... So I figured I would ask here!

Recently, I had to do a fresh install of Pop!OS on my main rig because I managed to destroy it!

Since then, when trying to transfer large file to my Unraid server through NFS, I always get I/O errors and file corruption.

I have a feeling it has to do with caching but I am not certain... can someone point me in the right direction?

here is an example of how my shares are mounted in fstab:

[unraid server ip]:/mnt/user/[mount point]  /home/normand/NFS/NORMAND-NAS-01/[mount point] nfs defaults,timeo=14,soft 0 0


I remember having similar issues in the past but can't remember what I did to fix it.



Have a nice day all!

Edited by Normand_Nadon
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  • Normand_Nadon changed the title to I/O Errors when Uploading large files via NFS, UnRAID 6.8.3
  • 3 weeks later...
26 minutes ago, Vr2Io said:

Do you try other NFS mounting method ? I always transfer file through NFS without problem.


Yeah, me too! I have been using NFS for years... And using it in Unraid for some time too.

I had a new error I have never seen before just now... 
Maybe it will give off a clue... It said "Splicing error" and again, the I/O thing


I remember trying to mount my NFS shares with an older version of NFS before, but can't remember if it helped...

When I transfer files, I see that the client's buffer fills super fast before the transfer starts (like 2Gb in a few seconds)... that is why I suspect cache or buffer issue.

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