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Allow skipping parity check after not clean shutdown

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No - I am afraid I am not prepared to do that.   There are reasons for running the check even if you do not agree with them as without valid parity the ability to recover at a later date from a drive failure is compromised.  If you can easily cancel such checks without manual intervention I can see a lot of users opening themselves up to data loss at a future date without realizing it.


If I do anything in this area the most I will implement is to put the check automatically into a paused state so that it can run in increments outside prime time according to the schedule you have set for increments.


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that would be of course sufficient and i would be happy with such a solution. it could be even conditionally enabled only if you have email alerting enabled at least so you will be warned that a check wants to be ran


Anyway can you please elaborate why is it so important for you to run a 8-40 hours check right after the boot without any delay?

I believe that for many home users it is similar to my use cases where it is just contra-productive to run it asap.


I know you do not have to explain to me anything but i can not see a difference between a "dirty" reboot parity and a 1 month old parity with 30sleep/resumes.

Edited by theruck
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27 minutes ago, theruck said:

Anyway can you please elaborate why is it so important for you to run a 8-40 hours check right after the boot without any delay?

I believe that for many home users it is similar to my use cases where it is just contra-productive to run it asap.

Is there are any parity errors at that point (and it is the most likely time to have such errors) then if a dirk fails the rebuild is very likely to result in some level of corruption. on the rebuilt disk as the rebuild process relies on all other disks being read without error and the parity being valid.   Putting it off means that many users effectively ignore the fact that parity needs to be corrected.


In principle you should run a parity check any time there is any suspicion of it not being valid as the only acceptable result is 0 errors.  Allowing it to be run outside prime time at least means that users are not prone to avoiding doing the check at all.  The underlying assumption is that if there has not been any reason to suspect a parity problem then there probably is not one, but unclean shutdown is a reason to suspect there may well be a parity error.  It used to be less of a problem when dirks were much smaller as the check did not take as long so users were less likely to skip doing it.

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my issue is unnecessary time wasting by over administering basic stuff repeatedly
you do not have to have a unlcean shutdown for the parity check to annoy you
how is an immediate parity check helping me anyway if it takes 10 hours?

Edited by theruck
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