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[SOLVED] Docker - read-only file system

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As the topic reads, was trying to install a new docker app, and recieved an error with "read-only file system". When checking the logs, I could see similar issues where the current dockers are unable to write logs


time="2021-03-04T11:53:11.079134440+01:00" level=error msg="Failed to log msg \"\" for logger json-file: write /var/lib/docker/containers/4312a9b16e3a529e33ebc383c2a8b41800d7ffaa72f3b91b9fb609f7a172d569/4312a9b16e3a529e33ebc383c2a8b41800d7ffaa72f3b91b9fb609f7a172d569-json.log: read-only file system"


There does not seem to be any issues with creating files or folders on the cache drive itself, so I assume that the docker img have become correpted. Attached is the diagnostics.


If someone could please help me out here, and also please tell me where you find things so I can get a greater understanding of how to TS unraid. 


If it is the docker img that is corrupted, is there a process on how to replace the docker img file and keep the settings, since the config files are in the /appdata/* I assume it should just be to remove the old docker image, get a new and reinstall the apps?


Thanks in advance!


Edited by zyke
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