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UnRaid 6.9.0 - 6.9.1 Many Many Issues!

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Since upgrading from beta to 6.9.0 stable I have had nothing but issues! I Am seeing 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable on Chrome & Firefox. The nVidia plugin keeps failing which i will head over to there forum, When i click on a different tab say Dashboard to Main i just get the three dash's dancing. There is some really really weird stuff going on and i am not at home to sort it. ill attach logs and hope some one can tell me what the hell is going on As this seems to be very buggy! it was all ok on beta  

r720xd-diagnostics-20210312-0922.zip r720xd-diagnostics-20210312-0750.zip

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2 minutes ago, ich777 said:

What exactly fails?

It basically stops reporting its there in dashboard and i have to remove the plugin and re install 

2 minutes ago, ich777 said:


May I ask why are you booting into GUI mode? Can you try to boot not into GUI mode for testing purposes. 

I had to as i could not get into the web GUI so used the screen and keyboard. A Parity check is running now so i need to let that run ideally. 

Just seems to have loads of issues. I will start Monitoring and making notes





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14 minutes ago, leeknight1981 said:

It basically stops reporting its there in dashboard and i have to remove the plugin and re install 

Have you got a active internet connection on boot or do you virtualizing for example pfSense or any kind of firewall?


What you can do is try to remove the Plugin from the Error tab, then install it again from the CA App, go into the Plugin, press Download and then reboot.


From what I see in your first system log it is successfully installed and should work just fine.

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