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[Flash Drive] Downloaded application, created new folder, moved application but it lost +x and now I can't set it.

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Hey all,

    I created a folder on my flash drive (/boot/config/custom), then I downloaded the text editor application Micro, extracted it, and it worked just fine when it was in /root. I used it to edit the /boot/config/go files to symlink from /boot/config/custom/micro to /usr/local/bin/micro and a few other things, like ohmyzsh, etc. When I rebooted, I noticed that micro no longer had execute permission, so I went into my custom folder and tried to chmod +x, but nothing happened. I had another script in there which I edited with nano and saved just to make sure it was writing changes, which worked fine, but I still could not change it.


    I saw something mentioned about using a user script to do things, as trying to set +x from config/go didn't work, so just to test I created a user script and tried to set +x on micro from there, but still nothing. I am running out of ideas here, unfortunately. It seems that some of the other things I did have worked, such as symlinking the ohmyzsh folder, .zshenv file, (which then specified ZDOTROOT, etc), to the root directory, but I still can't run Micro. Does anyone have any recommendations?




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