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Replacing cache drive in cache pool (raid1 btfs)

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I've got a 2 drive Cache pool in btfs RAID1


HP Ilo is now reporting predictive failure (Its Power On Hours are @ 44035 (5 years eek! - SSD has done well!) which I suspect has annoyed ilo! - Have purchased a replacement drive - same size.


I have read the FAQ and want to check the process is still valid -


Mount new HDD into Server (I do have enough spare ports to have them both connected at same time)

Stop Array

Swap failing cache drive with new drive in array config

Start Array

Wait for btfs balance - when complete "stop array" will become live.

Stop Array - Halt Server - Physically Remove failing disk

Move New Drive into correct bay

Up Server.

Start Array.

Sound right? Do I need to do any formatting of the new drive in any way? Do I need to force a balance?


Also as its a new drive (SSD) not sure if I need to worry about the SSD 6.9 reformatting MBR? as the other RAID1 drive will not have the MBR in the newer location. (Also a SSD)

Dave (Most likely overthinking!)

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