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Parity Errors after unclean shutdown (Solved)

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I had an issue with a faulty UPS that caused my Unraid system to shutdown twice.
Once was during normal system operation and the second was about 10% into the automatic parity check after the unclean shutdown.
The automatic Parity check that completed after the 2nd shutdown notified of 336 errors.
I manually started a 2nd Parity check with the 'Write corrections to parity' checked.
That also completed with 336 errors.

Is there anyway to find out what the errors are? I assume some files may be corrupted - I have backups so happy to restore anything that could have been corrupted.
Everything seems to be working fine no issues just the notification that it found the errors.
Do I need to run a 3rd check now? It takes about 24 hours to finish (14TB drives)



Edited by egtrev
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4 minutes ago, egtrev said:

I assume some files may be corrupted

There shouldn't be, unless you were writing to the server when it lost power, in that case those files would likely be corrupt, if that was not the case sync errors are usually the result of parity not being 100% in sync.

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1 hour ago, egtrev said:

There are multiple users so unsure if anyone was writing to it or not. How do I get the Parity back in sync or find out what files are corrupted?

Should the correcting Parity check not have fixed the errors?

You said you ran a correcting check so that should have fixed the errors (unRaid shows ‘fixes’ in the error count which is a tad mis-leading).   If you now run a non-correcting check it should show 0 errors indicating parity is again in sync.

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  • egtrev changed the title to Parity Errors after unclean shutdown (Solved)

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