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Mouse issues with VMs

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Wow, unRaid has changed quite a bit since my last build!! Heck that build was a 10tb usable space with 10 disks... A single box solution for SageTV and unRaid. My dream when I was building my last build several years ago... 




I am having issues with VMs and Mouse. After a length of time, the mouse stops working! This is across multiple VMs and OSs. 

Stopping (IE: shutting down) and restarting the VM allows me to access the mouse again. I typically have keyboard access. 


I have looked thru some old threads, nothing really helped. 

Changing the video to Cirrus seams change the issue, in that, I lasts longer before I lose the mouse...

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  • 1 month later...

Sounds like the mouse is dropping from the host. This would cause renumbering of the USB device and hence why its not showing connected. Are you able to post extract from syslog?


Have you tried using the Libvirt Hotplug plugin to reattach rather than reboot?


Which usb controller do you have defined in the VM?


My plugin called USBIP GUI but will be renamed to USB Manager it does the same function as Hotplug plugin, but can do it when a new USB device is detected.



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  • 1 year later...

i have similiar issue

i have a VM where i passthrough a mouse and keyboard gpu soundcard, worked fine for month. 
today i added 2 more USB devices, wich work fine. but now my mouse stops working after some time. with the hotplug usb plugin i can detach and attach the mouse again and after a few minutes the mouse stops working again

now i followed spaceinvader video to passthroug the whole usb controller, nothing changed. the only thing i can now detach and attach the usb physically instead of do it over the plugin.

someone know whats the problem here? 

EDIT: Same for Keyboard, the other USB devices dont have this issue

Edited by Wuast94
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On 9/22/2022 at 10:50 AM, Wuast94 said:

i have similiar issue

i have a VM where i passthrough a mouse and keyboard gpu soundcard, worked fine for month. 
today i added 2 more USB devices, wich work fine. but now my mouse stops working after some time. with the hotplug usb plugin i can detach and attach the mouse again and after a few minutes the mouse stops working again

now i followed spaceinvader video to passthroug the whole usb controller, nothing changed. the only thing i can now detach and attach the usb physically instead of do it over the plugin.

someone know whats the problem here? 

EDIT: Same for Keyboard, the other USB devices dont have this issue

Are you over subscribing the available power on the ports? are they on the same controller?

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