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[6.9.2] Slow network copy speed (SOLVED)

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I have two internet connections, one for gaming, and one for my server.  I use a VPN to connect from my PC (on the gaming connection) to the server (obviously on the server connection).  Both internet connects are 500 Mbps up and down (it's gigabit fiber but seems to be limited by the ISP to 500 Mbps which is the promised speed).  Since I connect over a VPN, I have at time, noted that transfers weren't terribly fast between my computer and the server, but I didn't care because I figured it was due to the VPN and basically just slow because it's going over the internet.  Now, I bought a new PC to do TV capture that I'm setting up and it's on the same router as the server.  Transfer speeds over the network from the server to the PC are an abismal 3-8 MB/s, but in theory should be capable of around 125 MB/s since all connections are 1Gbps.  Additionally, the windows task manager shows a link transfer speed of about 35-60 Mbps.  I've verified in the router (Asus AX-11000) that both the server and the PC are connected via a wired connection and the connected port speed is 1Gbps.  Do you guys have any idea what could be going on?  I verified in the router that QoS is off.


Pic 1 (PC with router link speeds in background)



Pic 2 (Unraid link utilization)


Edited by nerbonne
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OMG bro, thank you.  It was right there in front of me and I didn't even see it.  When you replied I was like, how could the router side be 1Gbps and the server be 100Mbps and then I remembered I had an unmanaged switch in the middle and the cable between the switch and the server was only Cat 5...  :(


Anyways, it's fixed now.  Thanks.

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  • nerbonne changed the title to [6.9.2] Slow network copy speed (SOLVED)

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