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Folder unavailable within a share

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Hi everyone, I am currently getting this error when I try to browse folders within a share. Anyone have any idea what is going on? I can see the files if I browse through the unraid UI or using krusader. But I cannot open the folders in windows (I can access some of the files in the share though)


This is happening to just a few folders and not all of them. 


Some background

I have been testing unraid on a test computer and some hard drives using the trail license and was experimenting with all the features. For the last 2 months though the system was powered off and the trial license had expired. This week I ordered new parts for my new unraid server and wanted to try a few things on the test system again. Now since the trial had expired, I re-imaged the usb and started fresh (again using the trial license).


After booting, the hard drives were already in the previous configuration and ready to be started. So I did. It rebuilt the parity but all the files were still present. When I accessed the share, I can see the files, but can access only a few of them and keep getting the above error. 


The data is not important, but was just curious on what is going on.


Edited by GumGum
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11 hours ago, GumGum said:


I had to go looking for them above. At least you made a new post or I would never have visited this thread again. I usually tell people to attach to their NEXT post but I got lazy.


Looks like that is a private share. Does the problem still occur if you make it public?


If you are having problems with private or secure shares it is likely a Windows problem due to the fact that Windows won't let you easily change users once you have established network authentication to another system.


See here, in particular the post linked in that post, and other things in that whole "Windows issues" thread:



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I can access the share just fine, but some folders and files with the share show that error message above. Other files within the same share can be accessed just fine. I will try to see if I can use krusader to copy the files out. Then I could just delete the share and start over.

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