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Removing older disks to make room for newer higher capacity ones - No parity

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I currently have 7 drives in my server - 6x 8TB, and 1x 14TB

I would like to remove one of my older 8TB drives so that I have another port free for a new drive.  I don't have any parity drives (I know I should have parity, and I'm planning on adding it very soon).  I have copied all of the data off of the drive that I want to remove from the array using the unbalance plugin.  What is the process I should use to safely remove the drive from the array?


Should I just go into Main>Array Devices, and change that disk to "No Device"?  Or do I need to go to Tools>New Config and then leave out the disk that I don't want in the array?  Just want to make sure I follow the correct process to preserve all my settings and data.  Thanks!

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4 hours ago, trurl said:

Be sure you don't assign any data disk to any parity slot or it will be overwritten with parity.

When I go to new config, should I have it preserve current assignments for anything?  I'm not exactly sure what that means.  The options to preserve are All, Array slots, Pool slots.  Should any of these be selected in order to remove this drive?

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