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High usage memory

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Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs                       7.8G  7.6G  211M  98% /


4 hours ago, Skalion said:

upgrade all my dockers

Did you reinstall or change any of them?


Docker containers will write into RAM if their container paths are not mapped to actual storage on the host (subfolders of /mnt).

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Also, why is your docker.img 100G? 20G is usually more than enough. Have you had problems filling it? The usual reason for filling docker.img is an application writing to a path that isn't mapped. Any path specified by an application must correspond to a container path in the mappings, and Linux is case-sensitive.


And your appdata, system and (in your case) VM Images shares have files on the array, in fact, appdata and system are set to not even use cache. That isn't critical, but it will keep array disks spunup since these files are always open, and docker/VM performance will be impacted by slower parity.

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I am using mostly of my dockers to download content. I did have problems in the past, that is also the reason of the 100gb image. I will check every given folder of my dockers,but i am sure this was not an issue before the update. Shouldn't my mem go down when i disable dockers completely in the settings?
Doesn't happen.

How would you advice me to setup my system ? I could use i little bit of knowledge.

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3 hours ago, Skalion said:

Shouldn't my mem go down when i disable dockers completely in the settings?

No you would have to reboot to get that RAM cleared.


3 hours ago, Skalion said:

sure this was not an issue before the update

update will not cause this.

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Thanks for the support. 
After reboot and disabling dockers, saw that the memory was not high anymore.

I moved al my system ,appdata and vm depended files to the cache (unbalance). 

Shrinked the dockers image to 25GB (disable/delete/create new from template)
Checked every given folder in dockers that it points to /mnt/user/*
It now works like a dream :D

Should I move the dockers image also to the cache or is that not necessary ? 

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2 hours ago, Skalion said:

Should I move the dockers image also to the cache or is that not necessary

you definitely want the docker.img file on the cache (or a pool) for performance reasons.   That is normally stored in the ‘system’ share which you say is already on the cache so nothing to do if that is the case

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