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Moving VMs to another cache pool

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Is it possible to manually move my OS VMs from an old ssd pool to a new nvme pool?


I've tried 'prefer' and the nvme pool with VM engine turned off and tried mover, but this doesn't seem to have worked.  Just wondering if manually moving with the cli is ok and what command I should run to do this - I'm not even sure if this would work given the folder mapping?


I've ran out of space on the SSD, so really need to shift it to the new nvme ssd.



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To move from one pool to another you must first move to the array if you want to use the built in mover. So, set the cache to yes for the shares in question, disable the VM service so the VM tab is gone from the GUI, and run the mover.


After that's done, you can set the share to cache prefer to the pool you want to use and run the mover again.

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Thanks, I'm trying this now.  Does unraid log the mover process, and when it's completed?  I've looked at syslog but it states the vdisks already exist. Should I delete these from the SSD cache pool, then enable cache prefer and the nvme cache pool I have before starting up KVM again?


I want these vdisks on the nvme for more performance and I need to free up space on the SSD.







May 18 23:25:02 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (280): /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null &
May 18 23:28:39 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (282): /usr/local/sbin/update_cron
May 18 23:28:49 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (283): /usr/local/sbin/mover |& logger &
May 18 23:28:49 Tower root: mover: started
May 18 23:28:49 Tower move: move: file /mnt/cache/domains/Windows 10/vdisk1.img
May 18 23:28:49 Tower move: move_object: /mnt/cache/domains/Windows 10/vdisk1.img File exists
May 18 23:28:49 Tower move: move: file /mnt/cache/domains/Gaming VM/vdisk1.img
May 18 23:28:49 Tower move: move_object: /mnt/cache/domains/Gaming VM/vdisk1.img File exists
May 18 23:28:49 Tower move: move: file /mnt/cache/domains/Ubuntu/vdisk1.img
May 18 23:28:49 Tower move: move_object: /mnt/cache/domains/Ubuntu/vdisk1.img File exists
May 18 23:28:49 Tower root: mover: finished


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So I set cache prefer and the nvme cache pool I want to use, mover didn't do a great deal but not sure what its done, if anything.



May 18 23:35:12 Tower emhttpd: shcmd (299): /usr/local/sbin/mover |& logger &
May 18 23:35:12 Tower root: mover: started
May 18 23:35:12 Tower root: mover: finished



What am I missing here, am i not understanding how mover works or is it doing what it should? Maybe I should set to only, then it will move everything, then I can reset to prefer once it's all on the nvme...


Edited by Jacko_
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For some reason you seem to have the vdisk1.img file in 2 locations - on both the cache and on disk1.     Unaid only expects a file to exist in one place and mover will not overwrite a file that already exists at its target location.    You will manually have to decide which copy of the vdisk1.img file you want to keep and delete (or rename) the other one for mover to function correctly.  It is probable that the copy on the cache is the more up-to-date version but only you can determine that for sure.

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I ended up moving the vdisks from the old cache to the new cache manually.  I'm not sure why these are duplicated on the array, am i safe to remove these?  Perhaps rename / and move before deleting but all seems good at the moment.  Better performance now and now i have space in each pool for growth. :)

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