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Large Media Folders - Best Practice


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Hi Guys,


I have configured my media files to be organized like this:

  • /Media/Movies/
  • /Media/Music/
  • /Media/TV/


I use both Kodi and Plex.


My libraries have gotten pretty huge. Every time I go into those folders (from Windows) it takes a while to load the folders.


What is  the best practice once you get to this level? Do you just keep adding to the same folders? Or do you create additional folders like this:

  • /Media/Movies2/
  • /Media/Music2/
  • /Media/TV2/


I would love to hear what you big collectors are doing. Any advantages or disadvantages?





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TV gets genre subfolders (yes, it can get messy trying to categorize, but action-adventure, animation, comedy, crime, drama, educational, fantasy, reality, sci-fi work for me)

Movies by year or collection, if it only has a 1 and a 2, it just goes by year of release.


Disadvantage is that each new subfolder must be added to the 'arr manually.

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Assuming the delay when accessing your media shares from Windows are not just the drives spinning up, then one thing you could try is to change the SMB setting "Case-sensitive names" to "yes" for these shares.   For me this made a significant difference.


Of course once you make this change you will need to ensure that any file/folder names in any scripts or saved settings have the correct case.

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I use exactly that same structure - media/TV, media/Movies, media/Music.

I'm up to 3k movies and 400ish tv shows (30k episodes, I think), and well over 200k songs.  I'm not in the habit of browsing those shares through windows, but I don't consider the time it takes to become available too long (pretty sure it's measured in 10's of seconds). 

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