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Swap unraid license between 2 servers

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I have 2 unraid servers, one with basic and one with plus. 



The plus server is now down with only 5 disks. 


The basic server has more than 6 disk and require a plus license. 



I know license are tied to flash guid, but how can I swap the two license without blacklisting the guid. 


Will it work if I apply the Basic key to the Plus server and vice versa? 


Physically swapping the flash disk is not possible is one server is remote and not easily accessible. 


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2 minutes ago, hus2020 said:

Physically swapping the flash disk is not possible

You can't swap the license without physically changing the flash drive. You could set up a new flash drive for each server and copy the appropriate plus and basic files to the new sticks, and they would be activated and blacklist the old sticks. That would require physically changing the usb stick, but you wouldn't have to send the specific stick, just get a new one at the remote location.


6 minutes ago, hus2020 said:

I know license are tied to flash guid, but how can I swap the two license without blacklisting the guid. 

You can't.


The best option without physically touching the remote machine in any way is just to upgrade the basic license to a plus.


If you figure out a way to physically swap the sticks, you can simply move the config folder minus the license key file and be done.

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You cannot move the licence easily but you can swap the configurations over by copying the ‘config’ folder between the drives as that is where all user settings are stored.   You just need to make sure that you keep the correct licence file for each USB stick in the config folder.   I would first back up both drives to a PC/Mac before doing this just in case you make a mistake.

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