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How to install a modified docker in unraid?

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Hi all,

I recently tested the Macinabox container and found that it has some issues, as reported by several people.

I found the culprits in the code and I'd want to push a pull request with the modified code in the github repo.

Before pushing the pr to the repo I'd like to test the modified container myself, to see if it works as expected.

Premise: I know near nothing about dockers, I never used them, what I want to do is cloning SIO github repo, modify the source code of some files and install the modified container into unraid.

What I did:

1. I cloned SIO macinabox repo into my github (https://github.com/SpaceinvaderOne/Macinabox/) just to have a modified copy online

2. I modified the files in my repo

3. I cloned my repo into my unraid (git clone)

4. I tried to build the container with the command:

docker -t macinabox /local/path/to/dockerfile/


But this is failing complaining about gtk-update-icon-cache: Failed to open file /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/.icon-theme.cache no such file or directory.


Looking at the dockerfile in the macinabox repo cloned locally it fails here:

RUN cd virt-manager && ./setup.py configure --prefix=/usr/local && ./setup.py install --exec-prefix=/usr/local


And so, my question: is this the correct method to install a docker or there's another way?


Thank you

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