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Help Dynamic Sleep S3 problems!

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Hello community! I  have installed Dynamic S3 Sleep Plugin and configured it to put my computer to sleep at midnight and auto wake up the computer at 8.00 AM. The problem is that the computer is not waking up! I use a Gigabyte x570 Aorus Elite motherboard. I have disabled the Dynamic S3 Pluging, but my unraid server, every night, is going to sleep and he is not waking up. i have to hard reset it. How can i fix this problem?

 I had activated in my Bios - alarm to wake the system at 8.00. At some point had activated the ErP function but now I have disabled it.  What can be the problem for this behavior ? How can i fix everything?

 Thank you for your support .

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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

If you uninstalled the plugin it could be crashing, start by looking here:



Hello. JorgeB thank you for your feedback. I've used the system whit no problems for more then 90 day of non stop use... The problem is whit starting after using de Sleep pluging. I want to reduce de power consumption, and make the server sleep during the night. The problem is whit the system getting up! The waking up problems started after the sleep plugin!

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