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Re: To Cache drive or not to Cache drive?

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I need some help with cache drive.


on my cache drive I have the following









after the mover script runs in the middle of the night the following happens


cache/Movies is gone  and disk 3 ends up with the disk3/Downloads folder and sub directories on it with my downloaded TV shows and Movies in the Complete folder.



I am at work so no syslog, but I can't seen to figure out how to properly set up my cache disk.


I am using user shares of Movies, TV, and Music each enabling Cache disk moving.

I have also added a user share of cache and added disk: cache so I can locate it via my laptop and access it.



am I using the cache drive incorrectly, should I have it setup differently?


I want my downloaded media to be on the cache disk, when I get home from work I do my scraping, getting NFO's artwork etc for XBMC.. then the mover should move only the folders with in /cache/Movies /cache/TV  but its not happening this way.




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the mover will move ANYTHING that does not contain a . in front of it.  So if you do not want the contents of the "Downloads" folder moved anywhere you will need to make the folder name ".Downloads"



It is a little hard to follow some of what you said, but if what I said above does not compute let me know.


Note also, you can get to the cache drive by using \\Tower\cache\ in windows.

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Yes, you have to use .Downloads


You also don't have to write/move anything directly to the cache drive. Just write/move the files to the Movies/TV/Music share and the directory will be created on the cache disk. It will disappear again once it's emptied by the mover.




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Here's my workflow:


Total Commander is my file manager.


1) I open tower\tv\chuck on the right viewing pane and then the folder where it's currently sitting is visible in the left viewing pane.

2) TeraCOPY the file from left to right.

3) Check back after Mover has completed (mine runs each day at 13:00: * 13 * * *).

4) Confirm the file is in the array tower\tv\chuck only and not visible in the root (\tower\cache) of the cache drive too.


If you don't add folders with a leading ., the root of your cache drive should be empty after Mover completes. If it is empty, open the folder where the file was copied from and delete it. That will leave the only version of the file in the array.


I'd like to continue to repeat in other threads what I learned the hard way. You know, in case anyone else is confused as I was. :-[


Peter sums it up pretty well above.


To use mover: Simply copy your files to the same folder as you did before installing a cache disk. If you never check the root of cache disk, you won't see the files are also visible there. Meaning, don't delete "one" of the files because you see what you think is a duplicate in the other folder. It's not two files. ;)

Like the trust my array procedure, it's important to trust the mover script too. Once you have moved files a few times and understand how it works, you might be able to stop checking the cache root. I'm not ready to do that yet.


Also, if you want to write directly to the array, visit the Shares page of unRAID Main, then choose NO for the share on which you want to disable cache. Save it, then transfer and the files will bypass the cache drive. Be sure to switch it back.

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