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Corrupt flash drive maybe or networking something? Ideas please

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Hi All,

My remote server started playing up and I lost access to plex docker, looking into the log and there were multiple entries about my servers flash backup (possibly due to connectivity) and in fix common problems there was an error about unable to connect to github and to reboot router and/or change to google DNS and try again. I tried google, github and local router DNS's all unsuccessfully. Some dockers were sort of running and 2 auto start vm's still had full internet access. Multiple reboots of server and router and the same situation. As part of trouble shooting I removed recycle bin (recent addition) and my servers plugin, no change.


I then changed the network IP setting to  DHCP and lost all access.

I am in the process of getting someone to change the network setting back to static IP in the hope i can get back to where I was.


I am hoping for some feedback on what the original problem might have been as the system had been solid for months.

All I can think of is to try to restore the flash drive from a backup but thats just guessing.


Any steps to correcting my issues or ideas to try for troubleshooting are appreciated.

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Hi Squid, I have regained some access after the settings change, cannot remote connect directly using wireguard but can access a raspberry pi on the same network as the server.

The original problem is there, (docker and vm services are turned off for now) in fix common problems "Reset your modem / router or try again later, or set your  to and etc."

I have attached the diagnostic zip and am hoping somebody can direct me in the right direction before I try to overwrite the flash drive with a backup from January.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All, just s FYI, I finally had some success, I deleted a wireguard peer that I had set up not too long ago and things started working again.

I guess somewhere in the setup of the peer some IP or DNS got assigned the same number of something already running and that led to issues.


It would be great somebody could find where this issue/conflict is in my diagnostics and highlight it so it might lead someone with similar issues in the maybe right direction.


I'm thinking it would be awesome if Unraid had a function/app where you could (side by side) compare a log of 'last working configuration' with the current configuration for trouble shooting.

Maybe there is something that already provides this but I have never come across it.


Should i change this post to solved ?


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