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Cache settings

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Hey guys, sorry to bother y'all. its 5am, and I've been working on the server 398351459_cachesettings.thumb.png.3191873a4aaabf1ab59ace86c7e53dfa.pngmost of the day. I'm a noobie to unraid/linux, watched spaceinvaderone videos and googled guides to help set-up a plex. With the help of someone smarter than me, finally got it working, though probably a little sloppy. I have a 250gb SSD that i installed as a cache drive, but I'm not sure what I should be putting on cache, and what I shouldn't. I also dont know what setting I should be using. 


Today was the frist day i got the server up fully, and the cache drive filled up and basically halted everything. I googled around finally found out to use the manual mover (not sure why auto didn't work) and its working now, but I'd like everything to just run automatically/smoothly. I was hoping you guys could look at my share settings and advise what cache settings I should be using for each. Thank you in advance for your time and input.

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If you want us to look at your share settings you should post your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools->Diagnostics) attached to your next post.


By default mover only runs overnight which is probably why you had to run it manually.    The Mover Tuning plugin gives finer grained control.    

However if things stopped working when your cache dtive filled up that suggests you do not have sensible values for the Minimum Free Space setting to make it automatically start by-passing the cache if it is gull.


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Roger that, adding my diagnostic file to this post, also not sure, how I messed something up, but it looks like my plex is no longer working, in the docker it says its running, but when i launch the webUI it says it cant be reached, / refused to connect. I believe it was working perfectly fine prior to me messing around with the cache, hopefully a restart will fix it, but I'm going to hold off until when the mover is done. Thank you itimpi for guiding my first post~ I appreciate the help.


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I could not see any shares with the Use Cache=Yes setting.    This is what you should use for shares where you initially want them written to the array and later moved to the array when mover runs.  

The Prefer setting is for shares where you would like the files to be on the cache, but if  they do not fit write them to the array, and if later space becomes available mover moves them back to the cache.


Otherwise I did not spot anything that looks to obviously be wrong, and even the points mentioned are only observations as I am not certain what behaviour you want.


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A lot of work to make much sense of your shares settings, since you have 83 .cfg files in the shares folder of those diagnostics (one of the improvements of 6.10 is better diagnostics for share contents).


Most of those 83 don't have any files (and so aren't really shares now) and maybe some even got created accidentally.


Go to Shares - User Shares, click the Compute All button at the bottom, wait for the results. If after several minutes it hasn't shown results, refresh the screen.


Then post a screenshot.



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Thank you Trurl, yeah my setup is probably really messy, space invader had two videos doing the same thing, and sometimes didn't cover what I was trying to do, so I would go to different videos. Sorry for the messy install, here is the compute all screenshot. Thanks again to everyone in the community who has been helping.

compute all.png

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Just made the changes you recommended Trurl! Thank you so much for your help, is there any that are set to no, that should be set to yes? (sorry if this is a dumb question) I was also able to get plex working again, when the cache filled, it caused a corruption in apddata, and i was able to use a backupped one to save it thankfully. Thank you again for all the advice and help I've gotten so far. I greatly appreciate it!

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11 hours ago, itimpi said:

I could not see any shares with the Use Cache=Yes setting.    This is what you should use for shares where you initially want them written to the array and later moved to the array when mover runs.  

The Prefer setting is for shares where you would like the files to be on the cache, but if  they do not fit write them to the array, and if later space becomes available mover moves them back to the cache.


Otherwise I did not spot anything that looks to obviously be wrong, and even the points mentioned are only observations as I am not certain what behaviour you want.


Thank you itimpi, a friend of mine just said he used preferred on mostly everything, your explanation helps me understand what it does now, i kinda thought it was the reverse. Thank you for educating me on that. Should torrent folders be yes-cache?

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31 minutes ago, Nevertipsy said:

a friend of mine just said he used preferred on mostly everything

Sounds like he doesn't know what he is talking about


32 minutes ago, Nevertipsy said:

Should torrent folders be yes-cache?

That is how I do it. Open files can't be moved though, so while they are still seeding they will probably stay on cache.


42 minutes ago, Nevertipsy said:

is there any that are set to no, that should be set to yes?

Typically, appdata, domains, system should be cache-prefer (or cache-only), so dockers/VMs will perform better and they won't keep array disks spinning.


Look at your screenshot. You have several with files on cache, but they are set to cache-no. User share settings only apply to new files, so no new files will get written to cache for those. But, mover ignores cache-no and cache-only shares, so any cache-no shares with files on cache will never get those files moved off cache unless you set the share to cache-yes.


Study this:


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Roger that Truri, your explanation was clear and concise and I believe I have a handle on what settings to use, I've also bookmarked the faq to look at tomorrow. thank you everyone here who has helped me, my server is now running, cache isn't overloading, and plex is again working, so  I'm super happy. Thank you again everyone!

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