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Urgent help needed for disabled disk


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Hi Guys,


I am in need of some guidance about my disabled drive.


Sequence of events.

1. Woke up in the morning to the notification of my Disk1 being disabled. (happened before about 1 month ago and reinstated the drive with no issue). Disk2 and Disk 5 has some read error.

2. Went out to get a new drive to replace the disabled drive1 (Drive1 is being emulated).

3. Got home to start the replacement and disabled docker and vm.

4. Stop the array, then assign Disk1 to 'No Disk' at this moment disk2 is shown as missing.

5. Realised Disk2 is also automatically unassigned.

6. Found the 2 disk appearead in the 'Unassigned Devices'

7. Now i am unable to reassign my Disk2 and its being marked as 'missing'.


I have only one parity drive. And i do not want wish to lose any data.


Can I clone my disk2 into a spare drive using a cloning device and reinsert it?


Any help is much appreciated. 


I have on hand 2 spare 4tb drive. 




Screenshot 2021-09-11 153328.png

Edited by AlexKoh
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Hi itimpi,


Apologies for the late reply was away serving my nation.


Thanks for the sharing. Yes i realised it and i made a switch no idea why harddisk dropped offline. Is it possible for me to reuse the disk by adding it as a new disk into the array?


Recent months i have this harddisk and the ones next to it with some read error. My guess is my motherboard's sata port giving issue. I had just switch over all my connection to my HBA card. If this issues dont happen again then i guess i might want to change my motherboard. Currently usinng MAG B550 TOMAHAWK. Looking to change to a Asus WS motherboard what do you guys think?




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