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Drive or sata issues.

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Tried adding a ssd as a spare unassigned drive after adding this with sata. Drive next to the sata port went missing. Powered down system checked all connections and powered back up.  Drive is there then it started giving me udma crc errors. At that point I moved drive to a sata port on the motherboard and used a new different cord. Powered it up everything looked good. Played a couple of file from the drive it played fine. Left it alone and the drive wouldn't go to sleep. Tried playing a file again. Unriad kicked the drive and parity is emulating it. Pulled the drive and check it with Chrystal disk everything shows fine. 




Edited by Triplerinse
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Please attach your diagnostics to your next post.


10 hours ago, Triplerinse said:

Pulled the drive and check it with Chrystal disk everything shows fine.

But it isn't. Higher than 0 on SMART Attribute 1 is bad new on Western Digital drives. On the contrary, it is fine for Seagate. You should set up your WD drives in Unraid to monitor attribute 1 and 200 (if available).


In any case, you have also a lot of reallocated sectors.

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6 hours ago, Triplerinse said:

Question would a bad connection to the drive cause this issue or I this strictly at the drive level 

Not a SMART expert, but I don't think it is only connection related.

From what I understand, Realocated sectors means that the disk determined that a sector was bad and stopped using it, it use some of the spare sectors availables.

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