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Creating template for container located on gitlab, looking for some guidance.


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Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this.


This is my first attempt at porting a container/creating a template.

I'm trying to host a matrix.org bot deployer (maubot) which isn't available as an Unraid template or on Dockerhub, however the docker image can be pulled from gitlab as per the instructions. I had success ("startup actions complete, running forever") with pulling and running the container, updating the .yaml configuration (most probably in an inappropriate manner) and assigning a couple of variables (volume, network..) through portainer (first attempt at learning how to use it). The container runs and can ping/get pinged by other containers on its network, yet when attempting to access the webui as per the instructions I'm unable to connect.

I'm currently looking into creating an appropriate template for the container so I can easily edit/play around with the variables. However.. I have no idea what the required environmental variables are and I haven't figured out a way to look them up through the gitlab container link mentioned previously.


Edit: I'm guessing the required variables are located in the example-config.yaml. I converted the .yaml to .xml but I'm currently unsure on how to map the variables into the Unraid template/xml.



So... any ideas? Thanks for your time!

Edited by Tzundoku
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9 hours ago, Squid said:

based upon their piss-poor (read that as shit) instructions, all the "variables" are within the yaml and not part of the docker run command at all (ie: the template)

Thanks for the reply Squid.


I managed to run this .xml template (ignore the description) according to the repositories dockerfile. Only difference is I assigned (P)UID to 99 and (P)GID to 100 instead of the 1337 shown in the dockerfile, if that's relevant. WebUI remains inaccessible. Also added a "WebUI" port to the template pointing to 29316.

I'm unsure if I'm currently supposed to configure the .xml according to the example-config.yaml, and which of the parameters are supposed to be configured as environmental variables, volumes, or paths.


Edited by Tzundoku
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