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Server login status doesn’t display properly on iPhone

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I'm not convinced that a re-install is needed since the login status displays correctly in other browsers and is only incorrect in Safari for iOS. I ran the command you posted in the linked thread and PMed you the result (they look proper to me). If you still think a re-install might correct this issue I'll give it a try later when I have a little more time. Just let me know.

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Thanks for sending. Everything looks correct in the CFG file.


From my experience this bug generally isn't browser related but instead related to the My Servers API sending incorrect data to the user profile.


On page load the user profile reads the username and avatar data from the CFG file. Then it connects to the local My Servers API running on the server. The API then injects any changes it detects into the user profile. And in this case it's giving empty user data to the user profile. So the user profile updates to as if you're signed out.


It's just strange that you're only seeing this in Safari iOS.


So while a re-install of the plugin may seem weird based on the bug description I think we should try this first and go from there.

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