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[SOLVED] SATA Hard drive oddness (won't detect on 2 mobo, but works fine on HP NL40)


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I'm a bit perplexed at this one and I'm at the end of my rope as I can't figure it out.  I'm going through a pretty big server upgrade, which began with adding larger hard drives to begin shrinking my array from 25 drives to 10. I upgraded both parities to 14TB and everything was going fine. I began doing some research as I was still on Reiser File system, 8+ year old mobo/cpu, marvel controllers, etc and made the decision to do an upgrade. My plan was to use my HP Micro NL40 and rsync all the data from my current array onto larger drives formatted to XFS, using unraid trial, while planning for new hardware, then migrate the hard drives from the NL40 over to new hardware and be happy that it was done. 


Something weird has happened with a 14TB drive and a 10TB drive. The 14TB drive was previously my 2nd parity drive, but I needed to use it as a data drive. Once I unassigned that drive from my original array I could not get it pop in the BIOS. I tried to switch it between onboard SATA from the Supermicro cards, but I couldn't get to work. I know the drive isn't bad as I put it into a USB and no issues. I also had a 10TB drive that was part of that system and the same thing happened. I figured this could because of the Supermirco cards, so I ordered the LSI cards, but couldn't get either to work on the new LSI cards. 


I ended up putting them both into my NL40 and no issues. I chalked it up to a bug, old hardware, who knows. Well, there is something more now going on as all my new hardware came in and I built the new server and these two drives won't be detected by the new motherboard nor the LSI cards. I checked all cables, power supply connectors, etc. 


I just popped them both back into the NL40 and again, no issues. 


I'm not sure what to do because this doesn't make sense. Why can't 2 mobo's detect these drives, but my old trusty NL40 has no problem? 


Anything I could post that might help? Anyone have any idea on what the heck could be happening? 


Any help would be much appreciated. 



Edited by teamhood
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6 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Most likely, since the Microserver uses molex to SATA, so no 3.3v.


I know that the 14TB is shucked (I did it myself), but I don't know about the 10TB. 


I'm not familiar with the 3rd pin, but I will research to see what I learn. 


I didn't think it was a power issue as using the same power and sata cable for the working 14TB. 

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  • teamhood changed the title to [SOLVED] SATA Hard drive oddness (won't detect on 2 mobo, but works fine on HP NL40)

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