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Wildcard/var in container path?


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Hi all,


Bit of what might be an edge case here. I'm using AMP (App Management Panel) to host game servers.

AMP is running on my NVME pool, with the appdata stored there as well, including all of the backup ZIPs for each server.

I'd like to move these off of the NVME pool, and have them moved to the array by the mover. The problem being that I don't want anything else moved.


As it stands at the moment, I need to add a path to the container each time a new server is added, I have to manually add a path as follows:

/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/[server name]/Backups >>> /mnt/user/backup/amp/[servername]


Is it possible to add something like:

/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/*/Backups/ >>> /mnt/user/backup/amp/*/

As a path? Does it recognise wildcards or variables like that? 


The goal here is just to not have to manually create these mappings and restart all the game servers whenever I want to enable backups for a new one. It's not a huge deal, but it would be nice if there was a solve. 

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Well that's basically what I'm trying to do. The issue is that there's no path exposed within AMP to change the backup location, and because the backup location is inside each of the server instances that AMP is running, I can't just specify one for everything, hence my question on variables.


As in, if the structure were:




That would be fine. One extra path added, done.


But, they're:




So if I change the location for /amp to something cache:yes, then eventually all the system files for AMP get moved to HDDs as well.

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