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No unraid server yet


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I want to build my first unraid server. I have 12 HDDs with 32 TB. 4 WD HDDs with 4 TB and 8 WD HDDs with 2 TB. The 4 TB Drives contain a copy of the 2 TB Drives. All data is just movies. Since I have no experience in this, I understand that only the 4 TB Drives would be needed plus another new bigger drive for parity. Am I correct?


Just asking because of the size of the case.  Have no plan what to do with 2 TB drives then.

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I'm only sort of following your logic, but you need enough blank drives to hold all your data, and one or two extra drives for parity, parity drives must be equal or larger than any single data disk. Unraid will require you to fully erase all content on the drives you plan to include in the array.


To transfer data from foreign disks, you can either do it across the network or directly attach them temporarily and use the Unassigned Devices plugin to mount them, assuming they are in a format it understands. Copying across a gigabit network will be just as fast as local copies assuming active parity.

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Thanks for your answer. Looks like I need a little help with this since I never done it before.

What would you do in this case to make the best out of all the drives I have. Do I need to buy additional drives? Or are the ones that I have enough to keep all the files and build the array with parity?


What format do the drives to have? Currrently all drives are in NTFC.



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