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Docker service failed to start (image full)


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Docker service failed to start, even after reboot
1) Docker image could be full? (it shows 100% in the Dashboard-Memory area)
2) I suspect it could be due to my Machinaris Chia container - plotman was trying to move a 100gb plot file into a destination that was already full
Posting my diagnostics file here.
I believe the solution is to delete the docker vdisk file, and create a new one? But before that...
I'm wondering if there's a way to access the container in docker.img and manually delete the container or junk files, so as to make the docker image "not full". I'm just concerned whether I need to re-configure my docker container mappings again if I re-create a new image. (e.g. and that setting in plex that enables GPU transcoding)

I've tried selecting the service start to "no" and adjusting to a larger image size, but that didn't work.


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38 minutes ago, Shunz said:

I'm wondering if there's a way to access the container in docker.img and manually delete the container or junk files,

Not super easy, and definitely not worth the effort


39 minutes ago, Shunz said:

I believe the solution is to delete the docker vdisk file


39 minutes ago, Shunz said:

I'm just concerned whether I need to re-configure my docker container mappings again if I re-create a new image. (e.g. and that setting in plex that enables GPU transcoding)

Reason why the answer the the first question I listed is not worth the effort is because you simply stop the service (Settings - Docker), delete the Image (still on settings - Docker), re-enable the service and then hit Apps - Previous apps and check off what you want.  Less than 5 minutes on even the slowest broadband connection and you're back in business with no thought process or recollection involved

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Thanks! I was hoping to avoid reinstalling the containers, since I'll need to dig through and make sure I have the paths and variables (eg Nvidia devices) added correctly.

And the Linuxserver.io plex docker looks a little different in the apps list. Oh well.

Sent from my SM-N9860 using Tapatalk

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