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Deleted my Home Automation Docker but it stays visible in the installed dockers

Go to solution Solved by heyudude,

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I am trying Unraid (and I love it so far), I installed some dockers to try our. One of the Home Automation did not work and I tried to install the Home Automation Core (which is working fine). I uninstalled via the GUI the Home Automation docker.

However it stays visible in the menu:



I use Unraid Version: 6.10.0-rc2 


How can I remove the entry? Manually or any other way?


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Indeed I removed it via the App menu in the webinterface, same place where I did installed it.


I installed it again, that failed obviously. Then another uninstall action and my issue was solved.

No clue what it was, I presume my bad.

Edited by heyudude
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