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All shares deleted?

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My cache drive filled up to 100% last night. I woke up today and noticed it and I saw that backups were happening and my cache drive was backing itself up to itself. I changed that setting and I also noticed my main NAS Share was set to prefer cache. I changed that setting to 'No'. When I clicked apply it said "Share deleted". When I check my shares all of them are gone now. I really need help this is all of my data. I ordered a backup drive but it has issues and needed to be returned. I was going to set up glacier asap, but I didn't have time. Is all of my data gone?


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I am extremely new.


I had a similar issue where a cache drive filled to 100% and all my shares disappeared.


The advice I got here was to reboot and I did so and they came back.


YMMV -- I am still in the trial period, don't know anything about Unraid.


If you search for my posts, you'll see the thread in question, and the response from the mods.


I too was terrified that I had lost all my data.


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Yeah, a reboot would fix you up temporarily, but you're going to have to clear up some space on the cache drive and ultimately recreate the docker image file.


As an aside, I'm not a fan of using BTRFS on cache pools with only a single device in the pool if you have no intention of making it a multidevice pool.  XFS behaves far far better in these situations.

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