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Corrupted flash drive unable to recover config from old USB drive

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Hi, I am looking for help with restoring my array after my USB drive just died and unable to recover any data from it.

I have managed to create a usb boot drive, recovered my unraid key already.

However, I am terrified of assigning drives to the array in fear of erasing all my existing data.

I am running Version: 6.9.2 and have 3x 10 TB WD drives and one NVME cache drive.

Totally forgot which 10tb drive was the parity drive and which 2 10 tb drives were the data drives.

And I am not able to see how to assign cache drive now...any help would be greatly appreciated.



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When doing a New Config, you will not lose any data on the drives.  Since you don't know what drives were what, assign everything as data drives.


One of the drives should come up as unmountable.  That's your parity drive.  Do another New Config and assign the drives correctly.


If more than one comes up as unmountable don't do anything.  STOP and then post your diagnostics.


To assign your cache drive, you first have to click add pool

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19 minutes ago, Alemiser said:

Hi, I am looking for help with restoring my array after my USB drive just died and unable to recover any data from it.

I have managed to create a usb boot drive, recovered my unraid key already.

However, I am terrified of assigning drives to the array in fear of erasing all my existing data.

I am running Version: 6.9.2 and have 3x 10 TB WD drives and one NVME cache drive.

Totally forgot which 10tb drive was the parity drive and which 2 10 tb drives were the data drives.

And I am not able to see how to assign cache drive now...any help would be greatly appreciated.



You can use the procedure documented here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the HUI.

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Ok that was great was able to find the parity drive using method in the link...

I have my array up and running now. yay!


Now is there an easy way for me to restore all my configuration?

I believe I have my configs saved into a zip file with a backup plugin (don't recall the name now), any help here would be great too.

Thanks again.


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