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Drive and parity sync speeds

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Quick question so I know were I am at with my testing, are these numbers looking healthy below?, and are the bold values the important ones to pay attention too?


1) Hitachi 2TB 7200K Drive:


Timing cached reads:  18480 MB in  2.00 seconds = 9261.39 MB/sec

Timing buffered disk reads:  440 MB in  3.01 seconds = 146.03 MB/sec


2) Hitachi 2TB Green  (believe these are 5200k) Drive:


Timing cached reads:  18528 MB in  2.00 seconds = 9285.81 MB/sec

Timing buffered disk reads:  386 MB in  3.01 seconds = 128.17 MB/sec


Parity check with 14 drives ranging from 2TB to 80GB in array

Parity-Check in progress.

Total size: 2 TB

Current position: 1.08 TB (54%)

Estimated speed: 96.59 MB/sec

Estimated finish: 159 minutes


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Quick question so I know were I am at with my testing, are these numbers looking healthy below?, and are the bold values the important ones to pay attention too?


1) Hitachi 2TB 7200K Drive:


Timing cached reads:   18480 MB in  2.00 seconds = 9261.39 MB/sec

Timing buffered disk reads:  440 MB in  3.01 seconds = 146.03 MB/sec


2) Hitachi 2TB Green  (believe these are 5200k) Drive:


Timing cached reads:   18528 MB in  2.00 seconds = 9285.81 MB/sec

Timing buffered disk reads:  386 MB in  3.01 seconds = 128.17 MB/sec


Parity check with 14 drives ranging from 2TB to 80GB in array

Parity-Check in progress.

Total size: 2 TB

Current position: 1.08 TB (54%)

Estimated speed: 96.59 MB/sec

Estimated finish: 159 minutes


The speeds all look good.
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Parity check with 14 drives ranging from 2TB to 80GB in array

Parity-Check in progress.

Total size: 2 TB

Current position: 1.08 TB (54%)

Estimated speed: 96.59 MB/sec

Estimated finish: 159 minutes



How are you getting speeds that fast with 14 drives and and old 80GB drive in the mix?

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Parity check with 14 drives ranging from 2TB to 80GB in array

Parity-Check in progress.

Total size: 2 TB

Current position: 1.08 TB (54%)

Estimated speed: 96.59 MB/sec

Estimated finish: 159 minutes



How are you getting speeds that fast with 14 drives and and old 80GB drive in the mix?

First, I kicked of parity and had to leave the house, when I came back I had some time to spend and see speeds, but it was at 54% in 1.08TB, so I have to assume it’s either because it was done with the smaller drives and/or I have the larger/faster disks on a greater controller and the other drives on another two controllers and when refreshing the estimated speeds were moving up and down depending on the drive it was working with at that point in time when I was hitting refresh so I am assuming the 90MB/sec+ values were coming from my faster controller with the fast drives on it. But the Pro/Experts would have to chime in on this one. Once I complete my build I will be posting to share with all. I was just making sure if these were bad/average/good/great values I am seeing.

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Will look like this in the syslog

Sep  1 14:04:56 FileServer kernel: md: sync done. time=32293sec rate=60493K/sec
Sep  1 14:04:56 FileServer kernel: md: recovery thread sync completion status: 0


The above is with Hitachi 7200k parity and a mix of several 1TB and 2TB WD Greens plus a single Hitachi 7200 2TB datadisk, all on PCI-E SATA ports (and with Transmission and Sabnzbd downloading to the protected array during the parity check).

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Will look like this in the syslog

Sep  1 14:04:56 FileServer kernel: md: sync done. time=32293sec rate=60493K/sec
Sep  1 14:04:56 FileServer kernel: md: recovery thread sync completion status: 0


The above is with Hitachi 7200k parity and a mix of several 1TB and 2TB WD Greens plus a single Hitachi 7200 2TB datadisk, all on PCI-E SATA ports (and with Transmission and Sabnzbd downloading to the protected array during the parity check).


Many thanks, as soon as I get my rig back up I will check this out. Thanks!

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