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Do I actually need to install mcelog?

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I have the Fix Common Problems utility installed.  It caught an MCE error.  I noticed in the syslog it shows the error that mcelog generates.  However in Fix Common Problems utility it suggests I install it? 


Does installing mcelog via the package manager actually give me increased functionality (like more detailed logging)? 


Or is the messaging insisting you install the mcelog package outdated and it already exists in Unraid by default?  I don't like to install stuff I don't need.

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That's what I figured. I noticed other people have more substantial logging for their MCE errors than what I'm getting back.  The reason I asked is because after installing the mce package, and getting the MCE to happen, it just spits out something along the lines of my AMD CPU not being supported.  I was expecting it to spit out a more detailed report that I could use to prove my hypothesis as to why it's happening.

Side note: It started happening when I broke apart one of my IOMMU groups and shared two USB hubs on it between two different VMs using the ACS patch.  Seems to introduce some instability as the MCE error occurs occasionally when I have to restart the VMs.  I suspect an isolation violation and one VM, or the host, is writing across that boundary between the devices since it's not actually isolated.  Alternatively it could be issuing a reset command to one device and the other also restarts, and brings down the entire system with it.  If I can prove what it is I can try to mitigate it (like turning off flr for that entire IOMMU group if that's the issue for example).

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