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GUI issue, can connect on some devices and not others

Go to solution Solved by nicolas246,

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Hi All, 


I have the issue where I can connect to my Unread GUI, but only through my iPhone. No other device, iPad, Macbook, desktop PC can connect. 
All are used in the same network, either wired or wireless. 
I think the issue started when I added an Nvidia P1000 and installed the drivers. The card and the drivers have both been removed.
I can access Sonarr or Radarr individually on each device, no issues, but not the main GUI. 

I have read through multiple forum posts, but none are the same as mine.


Where should I start? 

Diagnostics attached. 





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I connect through my browser, type in the internal IP.
Then there is a translation from my internal IP to the string that is connected to the DNS.

This happens on all devices, also on my phone, and there it works.


I go to manage access to click the update DNS button, but for some reason, the page never stops reloading.
If i am able to update the DNS, will then the Certificate subject update and change?
As this stays the same for the moment.




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22 minutes ago, nicolas246 said:

Then there is a translation from my internal IP to the string that is connected to the DNS.

I figured that, which is why connecting via https and the IP address should be able to connect from every device (there will be a certificate warning which you will have to accept).


Updating the DNS record shouldn't actually have any effect on the system unless your phone is caching a new DNS record and none of your other devices are.  It's a harmless button to press and basically just updates the "redirect"


Are you using a custom certificate?  I'm suspecting that there may be something wrong with it.  If you are using the Unraid certificates, then deleting the contents of /config/ssh and /config/ssl on the flash drive and then rebooting will recreate them.


Also posting your diagnostics may show something else (or prove that I'm on the wrong track)

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The next option would be to disable ssl altogether (Settings - Management Settings, Use SSL/TLS - set it to No).


If after all that you still can't connect from any other system (even if only by the IP address) its something network related, and the best guess (which you've said isn't the case) is that everything else is on a different subnet.

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So, Issue number 1, i cant SSL into my unraid server, as us SSH, use telnet, use UPnP is set to NO.
When i connect to the GUI, to go to Settings, management access, then i cant change anything as the page keeps reloading.
In the top right hand corner is keep seeing Sign in, then it reloads and i see that i am logged in. Back and forth, about every 1.5 seconds.
Meanwhile i cannot change a single setting on the page. This happens only in the management access page. the rest of the settings works well.


I deinstalled the my server plugin and rebooted, no changes, same behaviour.


What do i do?




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  • Solution



What I Did is the following:

Uninstalled the my servers plugin, reinstalled it, to fix the automatic reloading of the Unraid OS in the management. 
Then I was able to log into my server (top right) then able to turn on SHH. 

I also update the DNS record.


After running this command

rm -rf /boot/config/ssh
rm -rf /boot/config/ssl
powerdown -r


The server didn't boot correctly, I manually rebooted again.

Now I can log in normally. 

Thank you for the support. 




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