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Some Docker containers becoming corrupt repeatedly in 6.10 RC2


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I'm not sure if this should go in the 6.10 RC2 post, in general or in here.  Someone let me know if I should move it.

I'm new to Unraid but have been watching a bunch of videos and reading tutorials and these forums.  I decided to go with 6.10 RC2 instead of the stable branch and am having some issues with Docker containers corrupting themselves. 


Diagnostics attached


What's happening:

  1. I'll get all the docker apps installed, everything is fine and starts as one would expect and all of them work.
  2. Sometime later, typically the next day, I will discover that one or more have stopped or are in some kind of failed state.
    This is almost always the Docker OCI complaining that a file inside the docker image is missing and can't be ran.
    From Pihole:  OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: read init-p: connection reset by peer: unknown
  3. Deleting the docker container and image and re-installing does not fix it.  Only fix I've found is to stop the Docker service and delete the /mnt/user/system/docker/ folder then restart the Docker service.  I can then reinstall all of the Docker containers and they all work, (Call #1 above, rinse and repeat)


Changes I've made:

  1. I changed Docker from running in a vdisk to running in a directory, this seems to be when things started breaking.
  2. I changed Docker Custom Network Type from MacVlan to IpVlan at the same time.  I have not reverted either of these changes in an attempt to fix yet.
  3. I do have the the appdata backup plugin set to back up my appdata folder weekly, but it did not do so last night and things still failed


System Specs:

  • Dell R720xd
  • Perc Card flashed to IT mode
  • 128 Gigs of RAM
  • Cache drive is two new 2TB Samsung 970 Evo Plus drives in Raid 1 with BTRFS. 
  • Main Array is five 10TB Seagate Enterprise drives with about 3 years of spin on them.  There are two of the same 10TB drives being used for parity, but they are both new.


Things I've Tried:

  • I've ran a scrub a couple times on the parity NVME drives, no issues found.  
  • I ran Memtest 86 overnight, it made it all the way through one pass plus about half way through the next with no errors.
  • I ran Prime 95 from the Ultimate Boot CD (USB) for several hours with no issues.
  • I checked the firmware on the Samsung NVME drives I'm using for cache and it is on its latest.


Note: you may see some errors in the logs for some Samsung 860 Evo drives, haven't had a chance to look into those, they are generating CRC errors.  Nothing is on them, they are set up as a cache pool called Vmdks that I'm not using yet.  


Any help or tests anyone can think of would be very appreciated. 




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10 hours ago, Squid said:

Is this because one or more of the containers are updating themselves?

ca.update.applications.plg - 2021.09.24  (Up to date)

and other containers are "running through them" eg: connected to a VPN being managed by another container?


I do have Auto Update Applications installed and running but I'm nearly 100% positive that's not it as one of the containers is one I compiled and host on Dockerhub and i haven't updated it, so there aren't any changes to the image to download and no reason to restart the container.

I'm not running a VPN (yet).  I do have a reverse proxy installed but am currently just using it for SSL certificate renewal.  Other than that, they are all independant.


Note:  I have the array down at the moment as I'm in the middle of testing the drives to see if there are any errors.  I should have done that before copying over all the data but didn't think about it.    Unrelated question on the subject of drive testing.  I know I can pull one empty drive from the array, change it from BTRFS to XFS and restart the array and reformat it without any issues, but I don't know if I can do that to more than one drive at a time.  i.e. if I use unbalance to move all  data to one drive that has been tested, then shut down the array and run `badblocks -wvs -b 4096 /dev/sdX` on all the empty drives at once will the array be broken when I spin it back up?


Any other thoughts on the Docker corruption?

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