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Flash is being Reported as Full in Main but 0B used in Dashboard

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I switched my Unraid to a new (temporary) Box about a week ago, since then my Flash gets filled up within about 24 hours of a reboot and the log is filling up rather quick as welll.

In Dashboard the Flash is shown as 0B used / 0B free.

The Flash itself is only around 500MB, so nowhere near full.


I tried multiple USB  Ports (both 2.0 and 3.0) and the behaviour stays the same.


Any tips what I should check next, or will I have to do regular reboots until I can get new hardware? Or is it "just" my USB failing?

2022-02-06 21_39_55-MAINFRAME_Main and 3 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png

2022-02-06 21_40_27-MAINFRAME_Dashboard and 3 more pages - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png


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It *appears* that the flash is actually failing.  Nothing but critical medium errors throughout the logs.  Doesn't appear to have ever dropped offline, so changing ports isn't going to do anything for you.


I've never been a fan of any super super small flash device like the Ultra Fit's.   They are USB3 (run hot), and a very small form factor (run hot).  Run hot + run hot = very hot


I'd replace it (but avoid SanDisk as there are now a ton of counterfeits making the rounds)


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OK will do, got a few USB sticks to spare, but the only ones I have are also quite small Samsung ones, the full size USB sticks I have are all SanDisk - hopefully they are not of teh coutnerfeits. Got them from a reputable dealer here in Switzerland though. I hope they are fine.

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