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[SUPPORT] SmartPhoneLover - Zipline

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This docker template was created based on an already available docker image


WebSite: https://zipline.diced.cf/
GitHub: https://github.com/diced/zipline
DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/diced/zipline
Documentation: https://zipline.diced.cf/docs/get-started
My Repository: https://github.com/SmartPhoneLover/unraid-docker-templates


Zipline is a ShareX/file upload server that is easy to use, packed with features and can be setup in one command!



- Configurable

- Fast

- Built with Next.js & React

- Token protected uploading


• An external PostgreSQL database is required.
• Default credentials: administrator/password (user/pass). If, for whatever reason, you can't access with default credentials, run the cmd 'yarn prisma migrate deploy' from container's terminal. Then, try again.
• Zipline supports the use of an API to interact with. Check the documentation to know more.


1.0 (2022-02-13)

If you are going to report a bug or request something to be added/modified, please, take into consideration that I will only be able to apply changes for the work I own only. For example, if I create a docker template for an already existing docker image (not created by me), I won't be able to do more for that image than forward your report or request to the owner of the project.

If you like my work, please consider making a little donation.
Thank you very much 🙂

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