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Unraid 6.9.2 - Docker "unable to find image locally"


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Hello and thank you in advance.

For some reason, after removing a docker container, my Unraid instance is a bit broken. I'm not sure if removing the container is what did it, but that's when I noticed the issues.

I'm attaching a couple images. One is what the add container UI shows, and the other is a screenshot of the CPU usage after trying to add the container. Before adding the container CPU usage was minimal.




Edited by MrG
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What is the "mainpool" you have?  Is this a ZFS mount?  Admittedly I don't really follow the ZFS threads, but it really should be mounted outside of /mnt (ideally it should go into /mnt/disks/...)


Mounting a zfs pool within /mnt might explain some of the other weird errors that are appearing


For the actual problem at hand, several users have reported that when they put the docker.img onto a zfs pool issues result.  The fix in that case would be to instead of an image you use a docker folder (settings - docker) instead.  This change will result in you having to re-install the apps via Previous Apps (5 second process)


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